In this release, we have released an improved version of document management. Behind the scenes we are busy developing this function further and better. In this way, document management becomes even more user-friendly.
Data validation
We are working on an improvement in validating entered data. We do this, among other things, by checking whether adding data also has consequences for other matters. In other words, what else do you need to add after you’ve added something.
Add a building wizard
We make it even easier to add a building to HUMBLE and in this way already retrieve a lot of information from external sources.
New dashboards
We are going to further enrich the dashboards and make it possible, among other things, to click through on data. This way you have the option to dive into the depths directly from your overview.
Contracts and outsourcing of activities
We are going to make it easier to outsource your activities to your suppliers. This will soon be possible via a contract or by assigning one or more activities to a supplier.
Annotations on drawings
We are working hard to make it possible to annotate directly on PDF drawings. This also makes it possible to pin elements to a drawing. In this way it becomes even better to see where an element is located, and where you need to be for maintenance, for example.
In addition, it will be possible to directly annotate PDF files.
GBS beheer
We are working hard on the final touches for BMS management, you can already find this module in HUMBLE. If you want to know more about this, for example how you can use it yourself, please let us know.