Het verhaal van Redevco

Het verhaal van Redevco

Het verhaal van Redevco

Het verhaal van Redevco

Joep Wensveen of Redevco has decided to bring together all inspection and maintenance data of all properties on the HUMBLE Platform. This allows him to get a grip on all his property data and legal requirements. In combination with his proof of his sustainability ambition he closed the deal with two birds with one stone!

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Why did I choose HUMBLE?

Joep Wensveen describes why Redevco chose the HUMBLE Platform in order to have insight in all inspection and maintenance data. By doing so he has a grip on all his real estate data and legal requirements. Digitalization of all real estate data is an essential factor for Redevco, according to Joep, and in particular to ensure that sustainability goals are achieved significantly faster. By using HUMBLE, Redevco has a better understanding of the documents needed for the legal framework, which are now clearly secured on the Platform of HUMBLE. The world of real estate is increasingly being driven by data. HUMBLE responds to this, from which Redevco in turn reaps the benefits. Redevco + HUMBLE = a solid focus on the future!

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