Het verhaal van Paul Scholten

Het verhaal van Paul Scholten

Het verhaal van Paul Scholten

Het verhaal van Paul Scholten

Paul Scholten is an early adopter in the healthcare sector. He struggled with the overview and insight in his data. At that point HUMBLE appeared before him and welcomed Paul as its first customer! This was a partnership that was here to stay, ensuring that Paul no longer had to worry about his real estate. HUMBLE’s Platform offered him everything he had been looking for: all data managed in one central place!

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'HUMBLE is a true leader in its field'

Paul Scholten can rightly be called an early adopter in the healthcare sector, and was indeed the very first HUMBLE customer! When he was asked what was keeping him up at night, his answer was: 'Do I have everything in order? What are the frameworks within the real estate world, what are the legal obligations, what do I have to comply with? He came to realize that the structure was missing. Yes, it was there, but everywhere and nowhere, including in people's heads. That's when HUMBLE came around the corner. HUMBLE was one of the first to combine data with blockchain-like systems and accountability, which made his company a leader in the healthcare sector. Paul immediately got the right feeling about HUMBLE. He had been searching for a while and often missed the integrality and timeliness of regulations at other providers. HUMBLE is always up to date, which guarantees a high degree of security. 'We no longer have to worry about our data, and are delighted that the HUMBLE platform is so innovative, secure and always up to date. HUMBLE is truly a front runner in this field!'

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Het verhaal van Melford Melford

Peter Gijbels  |  Directeur

Work hard, play hard!

Digitalization has been underway for a long time, according to Peter Gijbels of Melford. HUMBLE and Melford are both looking forward to working together on the compliance module for laws and regulations, safeguarding it and making a quality leap for customers in this! This is inherent to HUMBLE Online Software Platform at the same time.

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Bekijk de video over CMC (Curaçao Medical Center)

Het verhaal van CMC (Curaçao Medical Center) CMC (Curaçao Medical Center)

Dito Garmers  |  Directeur van Curaçao Medical Center

'HUMBLE creates added value for the hospital'

Dito Garmers, director of Curaçao Medical Center, describes the experience of working with HUMBLE. HUMBLE creates added value for the hospital by securing everything that raises the quality of the building on one platform. Also when the Digital Real Estate world in Curaçao is approaching, HUMBLE is ready to support Curaçao Medical Center!

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Bekijk de video over Redevco

Het verhaal van Redevco Redevco

Joep Wensveen  |  Property Manager

Full speed ahead to reach the goals of our Mission 2040!

Joep Wensveen of Redevco has decided to bring together all inspection and maintenance data of all properties on the HUMBLE Platform. This allows him to get a grip on all his property data and legal requirements. In combination with his proof of his sustainability ambition he closed the deal with two birds with one stone!

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